The Trail of Tears the most Regretted Event for Americans Ever since Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean and landed in the Bahamas in , Europeans have taken over Indian land. They continuously intruded, destroyed and stole from the Indians Essay Paper on The Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears stands for one of the most tragic periods in the history of the US. It was the beginning of extermination of Indian tribe – the Cherokee Oct 27, · The Trail of Tears changed my life and my people's lives forever. Thousands of us lost family and loved ones. We were forced to live on the dry plains, where food and animals were totally different from our home. Our entire way of life was gone forever, and I lost everyone but my References Burnett, John. "John Burnett's Story of the Trail of Tears."
The Trail of Tears Essay | Blog
This was one of the most tragic events that happened to natives on US soil, between the inhuman and unethical treatment as well the overuse of power for the gain of other. Inthe United States passed the Removal Act, and this later evolved into trail of tears essay Trail of Tears which started in The Act allowed President Jackson the power to grant land west of the Mississippi River recently purchased to Natives in trade for their homelands, trail of tears essay.
After President Jackson granted the land to Natives, he promised bonuses like being under protection by the United States Government for life and have financial and material assistance.
Thus, President Jackson managed to relocate nearly 60, eastern Indians to new territory, which is now known as the panhandle of Oklahoma, trail of tears essay. As stated by Sturgis page xxi under the command of General Winfield Scott, Trail of tears essay, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations where all relocating south. The Cherokee tribe however got tricked into an illegitimate treaty when unrecognized leaders of the tribe signed the treaty, as a result 15, tribal members began a petition to protest.
But as stated by PBS The Supreme court denied their request and demanded they relocate within 2 years or they would be forced off of their land. At the conclusion of the two years only 2, volunteered to relocate leaving the remaining 16, behind. Unable to gather belongings before they were forced off their land, an abundance of heritage and culture was left behind this is known as the trail of tears today, trail of tears essay.
Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. The five civilized tribes that were affected as stated before are the Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw as well as the Cherokee.
Combined this accounted for more than 60, Natives that were moved off their land of which 47, were forced to relocate. Choctaw Indians were the first to relocate in followed by the Seminole in who fought in guerrilla warfare type attacks to stake claim of their land, then the Creek in the trail of tears essay although they never signed the relocation treaty, years later in the Chickasaw Indians, and lastly the Cherokee in The most common tribe know for their hardships during the trail of tears was the Cherokee and this is due to the harsh conditions, volume of residence and the fact that they were the final tribe to relocate, trail of tears essay.
The tribes where considered civilized as a result of their functional social systems, government and schools that mimicked the Europeans.
However, the government did not deem them civilized enough to live along side of the european settlers and they were relocated thereafter.
Even though many Natives converted to the Christianity adopted many European cultures such as farming methods clothing and even housing, some of the wealthy Natives even owned black slaves that worked on their cotton plantations PBS. For the Cherokee the relocation began with 16, but soon many died from the harsh condition they faced. As the pressure to move the Natives grew so did the hardships that were faced along the trail many forts were used to house the Indians as the 5-month roundup began.
These camps were known for the abundance of human waste which caused dysentery, lack of food sources, and even a sex trafficking location where many women and children were raped by the whites who oversaw them.
The trip lasted 6 months Thousands had no trail of tears essay or blankets many were starving and weak. Forced to sleep in the mud without a shelter to cover them from the trail of tears essay and often with shackles and chain to prevent any escape. As stated in byers p. This accounted for over 4, deaths over the 1,mile journey and as they were forced into the stockades to live. With the forced relocation of so many Natives to West of the Mississippi white European settlers gained nearly trail of tears essay million acres of native land which was then used for farming and slavery.
White settlers from Europe escaped oppression by coming to America for a free life and choices however upon arrival they decided to overuse the power they believed they had and then oppressed the natives and trampled all their freedoms and rights. Forcing so many off of their land with an unethical journey that took so many lives in horrid conditions with an abundance of diseases and unspeakable hardships. As the Europeans began taking over Native land stealing trail of tears essay possessions and burning their homes and structures to ensure all the Natives left there land and moved west.
The main reason for the Indian Removal act and the Trail of Tears was for the expansion of land for European settlers, for the use of farming as well as mining of metals and minerals. With the worry that The Natives would return for their land many of these soldiers who were looking to take over that land previously owned by the Native Americans decided to take actions into their own hands, hurting many natives that would try to flee and this caused many conflicts between not only soldiers and natives, but between the solders as well as some believed it was not ethical and they were only there because it was required for there job.
byers p, trail of tears essay. But along with the many man-made hardships that they faced mother nature was also a trail of tears essay contribution to death, many of the deaths came from starvation during the harsh winter months when hunting was not an option and no food had been put in storage in preparation for the winter ahead.
With the dry heat of Oklahoma, Trail of tears essay where also susceptible to overheating due to lack of ability to perspire. Regardless of the time of year there was always hardships and diseases that The Native Americans had to overcome between Heat, Cold, disease and lack of constant food and water there was always something to be worried about along the trail of tears. Many Trail of tears essay Americans also wanted to Eradicate the Native American population and even deliberately spread diseases to try to decrease the Natives populations.
This was After the First settlers brought over many diseases that proved deadly to many Indians in earlier years. By the last of the Natives took to the trail, originating from Red Clay, Tennessee they moved on foot to their final destination in Oklahoma, trail of tears essay.
Now as stated above there were many hardships and tragedies they Native Americans had to overcome, and many might say why not just stop and some towns along the way. However, trail of tears essay, soldiers were under strict orders to avoid all towns as they worried about the spread of diseases being harbored by the natives. Once the Natives reached the Mississippi River, they were forced to pay for a Ferry to take them to the other side. By March of all the Tribes were successfully relocated to Oklahoma and the rebuilding of Houses and Farms began as they began clearing land for crops.
Nearly 1, Cherokee Natives escaped the roundup and managed to survive unharmed for year by they regained trail of tears essay in North Carolina now the Cherokee are the second largest Native tribe in the United States as of PBS. On top of the 5 civilized tribes in the southern states there was also tribal nations in the North such as the Sauk and Fox that were forced off their land as well. In the Black Hawk War opened the millions of acres of land for white settlement, trail of tears essay.
This all started from the treaty of however in when 1, tribe members were on a hunting trip trail of tears essay white settlers began occupying there village Saukenuk now present day Rock Island Illinois. Upon their arrival back to the village many Natives threatened European settlers off there land with violence this was led by Chief Trail of tears essay Hawk. Shortly after threats from the Natives, trail of tears essay, General Edmond Gaines and his men were ordered by Illinois Governor John Reynolds to retake claim on the village with any force required IPTV.
Once the Sauk tribe was relocated east a treaty was signed deeming them never to return East. However, this was later broken in a misunderstanding and Governor Reynolds ordered Militiamen under the order of captain Abraham Lincoln. Through many months following this initial attack there were many small altercations that took place eventually Chief Black Hawk was Captured and held imprisonment by the United States Government when he fled back across the Mississippi in a battle with lots of bloodshed IPTV.
The Black Hawk war was the last known Native American resistance in Illinois, costing hundreds of tribal and White settlers their lives. Later in settlers began staking claim of Eastern Iowa lands because of the Black Hawk Purchase treaty. There are multiple untold stories of the trail of tears and we may never know the full extent of what was endured during to From the Indian removal act in and the forced relocation of all Native American Tribes on the East side of the Mississippi to the West.
As well as the many hardships that were endured such as harsh cold weather and extreme heat, to lack of clothing shelter and any footwear.
Through the Years much of the Native American Culture has been lost because of the removal from their homelands, and all of the money treaties and governmental assistance will never be ableto repay for the lost heritage and hardships they faced.
The Trail of Tears, and the Indian Relocation act cost so many innocent people their lives, all for the betterment of other humans, trail of tears essay. The Five civilized tribes had learned many of the ways the white settlers had such as education, governmental system so they were better able to comingle with the European settlers however they were still forced to make the mile journey and stay in the stockades in the harsh disease filled conditions.
On top of all of the major tribes there are also smaller tribes in the northern states that also faced many hardships due to the Indian Removal act and the carelessness of so many so they could prosper from the land and resources that once was that of Native Villages. From the unethical treatment and hardships to the Removal act and treaties there was an abundance of governmental power that was abused over time and we may never know the true extent of the lost heritage and culture brought on by the westward expansion.
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Trail of tears Background Essay
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Trail of Tears Essay Words | 7 Pages. Trail of Tears Within United States History, there has been some horrible discrimination upon certain races of people. At the trail of tears native Americans were persecuted against heavily The Trail of Tears resulted in a shocking effect for the Indians, such as extreme starvation, sickness, and fatigue due to the extensive march and enormous prejudice and Oct 27, · The Trail of Tears changed my life and my people's lives forever. Thousands of us lost family and loved ones. We were forced to live on the dry plains, where food and animals were totally different from our home. Our entire way of life was gone forever, and I lost everyone but my References Burnett, John. "John Burnett's Story of the Trail of Tears."
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