Oct 15, · Obama's speech is a good example of Aristotle's rhetoric in practice. The object of Obama's speech is to win the presidential nomination. His speech is persuasive. He is appealing to the populace of South Carolina (and to that end, he praises them Persuasive Essay Samples. Since this is the most common type of essay, it is important to be familiar with its requirements and style. Check out our persuasive essay samples to get acquainted with this popular form of essay/5 PERSUASIVE ESSAY SAMPLES Essay 1 Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don ˇt have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast
75 Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas
hear people talk of Latinos, Chicanos and the sorts may be after some strained race relationships. They may do so when they are enraged or because of some sort of sour grape fairy tale. You remember the hungry fox that saw a fine bunch of grapes hanging from a vine that was beyond his reach.
The fox jumped as high as he could but could not get hold of the grapes. The fox finally gave up trying and walked away with some air of dignity and concern saying that he thought that the grapes were ripe only to later realize that they were sour. Ladies and gentlemen, persuasive speech example essay, to better understand who the Latinos are, it is imperative that we trace how they came to be, something that dates back to the history of conquest.
The Latinos came about after the intermingling of Spanish and Indian blood after the death of…, persuasive speech example essay. References List Doyle, M. Like a Tree by Running Water. Nevada: Blue Dolphin Publishing. Census Bureau The American Community-Hispanics: Washington: Pew Hispanic Center.
Total Population of U. Love The Importance of Telling Loved Ones that We Love Them I love you. I love all of you. You might think I'm joking, but I do, I love you. Those three little words are really not that difficult to say, persuasive speech example essay, even in front of an audience, persuasive speech example essay.
There is a problem in our busy modern lives. We are so distracted with all the trappings of modernity -- School, Work, FaceBook, Email, Texting, Reality Shows, and so on that we forget some of the more important aspects of life. This includes forming strong and meaningful relationships and if you are lucky enough to have such a relationship in your life, you should stop taking it for granted and you should stop right now. Imagine a world without love. Imagine your own personal life without persuasive speech example essay. It would be a cold and bleak existence.
Imagine you had no one to call when…. Muscular Dystrophy Association General Purpose: to persuade Specific Purpose: to persuade people to be aware and donate to MDA Organization Pattern: Topical Attention Getter: Every Labor Day, the Jerry Lewis telethon is broadcast on television and people are asked to help Jerry's kids. For more than 60 years, MDA has helped children and adults all over the world who are struggling with muscular dystrophy and related diseases.
Relevance to Audience: Muscular dystrophy has been a known disease for well over a century. Yet, there is still no cure; only treatments, persuasive speech example essay. Muscular dystrophy can strike any family at any time. Credibility Statement: My sister developed Muscular Dystrophy early on in life and it led directly to her deaf. ith her bones and muscles so terribly weakened, she became confined to a wheelchair.
One day while crossing the street, she was hit by a car that ran a red light. She was…. Works Cited: "Muscular Dystrophy: Hope Through Research, persuasive speech example essay. htm Monroe's Motivated Sequence: The Persuasive speech example essay Of X-rays Specific purpose: My specific purpose is to inform you of the benefits of x-rays.
Audience outcome: I want my audience to feel less anxious about getting x-rays Attention getter: Persuasive speech example essay everything hazardous to your health?
Psychological orientation: It can certainly seem that way if you watch the local news or read scary stories on the Internet. X-rays are yet another one of the benefits of science that many people fear because of the radiation X-ways can release. Logical orientation: But you should be far more afraid of the risks of not getting X-rays when you need to have them as a result of a medical persuasive speech example essay or to receive potentially beneficial screening.
The ability of X-rays to pass through human tissue can be of great positive benefit whether you have a problem with a tooth, a broken bone, or any number of health-related…. References Attwood, D. Soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation. Cambridge University Press Goldstone K. Radiation issues governing radiation protection and patient doses in diagnostic imaging. In: Adam A. New York, NY: Churchill. Outline I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Think about the concerns tied to illegal immigration such as terrorism, lack of jobs, costs in terms of tax and how prevalent it is becoming in the present day.
Relevance: Illegal immigration in the United States is the highest in the world compared to any other nation. In accordance to statistics, there were approximately Credibility: I have done research on illegal immigration, its benefits and shortcomings from various secondary sources.
Thesis: I am going to urge you to see the need for more stringent measures on immigration. Preview: I will discuss three key points regarding the issue of immigration and lastly offer a conclusion on what direction ought to be taken. Body a. Main Point 1: Link between immigration and terrorism. Illegal immigrants in the nation…. The American Association of Retired persons found that pension plans' coverage is quite unstable, differing greatly based on ethnicity, age, pay grade, and education.
In addition, the AARP also found that social security benefits are becoming a problem in many countries, as the number of retired persons who receive benefits rise and the number of births fall. As people who live in troubled economic times, some are not following government advice to save for retirement. The United States Department of Labor advocates managing a retirement account with the same amount of attention and importance one would give a bank account.
C did not follow this advice, and his reliance on government and employer-based plans fell through. He and his wife were both forced to work after retirement. This cut into the traveling and relaxing plans that he had made. Now, Mr. C cannot live the lifestyle that he always…. In my opinion the emotive words and euphemisms have not distorted the events or issues in any of the speeches because they were meant to clearly and forcefully show their audiences that war was the only solution for the injustice they incurred at the hands of the enemy.
To me the most persuasive speech was given by Roosevelt because it illustrated the gravity of the decision America faced after suddenly being attacked by an enemy state. The next most persuasive speech was given by Churchill because it showed the British that they needed to quickly respond to the oncoming onslaught by an enemy state. The fourth most persuasive speech was given by Bin Laden…. Lincoln's Speech Compared The Evolution of Lincoln's Thought in His Speeches Abraham Lincoln is one of the most celebrated and popular Presidents in the history of the United States.
Lincoln presided over the Presidency at a difficult time for the country, when the unity of the nation was at stake and the question of slavery deeply polarized the society into two. Lincoln was able to preserve the Union, but at a great cost which made him as controversial as he was popular. But it is uncontroversial among his contemporaries and the readers of his speeches today that the sixteenth President of the United States was a great orator, able to address a broad range of audience: rich and poor, literate and illiterate, freemen and slaves; and he possessed a rare skill of persuasion.
Lincoln was able to address a divided nation with great care and measurement. He was reserved when…. Works Cited All the references come from The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler, and is available online at Accessed: February 19, Both orators in some ways blame the hite Man for the destruction of his own peoples and remind the audience of the hite Man's seemingly unquenchable desire for more land and more power, at the expense of the Red Man.
They also diverge in that Red Jacket is much kinder in his observations and conclusions, likely very much associated with the divergent audiences while Tecumseh is universally unkind to the hite Man for his historical actions, which have taken so much from and spilled much Red Man blood, persuasive speech example essay.
Red Jacket ends his ethical persuasive speech example essay by withholding judgement, while Tecumseh calls for a united war on the hite Man were revenge will be had and much hite blood will be spilled, through a united effort of war. Pathos The character of the Red Jacket speech is dependant upon the emotional ties that the Red Man and the hite Man have with…. Works Cited Kennedy, persuasive speech example essay, George a.
Dave Pruett and C. Jan Swearingen. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Red Jacket "Speech to the U. Senate Tecumseh "Speech to the Osages" ? Speech or Letter Currently there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the issue of the reinstatement of the draft in the United States. There are rumors and whispers rampantly floating through the media that are frightening the general public, while persuasive speech example essay officials who are actually in the know about the subject are categorically denying such intentions.
In an article written just a few days ago the Coastal Post with no byline contends that a military and civilian draft is persuasive speech example essay by spring htm The title of the article in and of itself is inflammatory "Military and Civilian Draft Expected in For to year-olds.
The article states that those two…. One of the last bits of evidence offered by the unknown author is associated with the language of the proposed and historically unsupported unpopular legislation, "Congress brought twin bills, S. entitled the Universal National Service Act of"to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18 -- 26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military persuasive speech example essay or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes.
Voluntary service has been the popular stance since the Vietnam Era, persuasive speech example essay. This work is obviously and inflammatory and unconvincing attempt at persuasion, written by someone who will remain anonymous.
How to Organize a Persuasive Speech or Presentation
, time: 7:3818 Persuasive Essay Examples for Students

Here are some persuasive essay examples for different grades that can be useful for students. These are divided into numerous categories according to different grades. Persuasive Essay Example for Grade 4. Persuasive Essay Example for Grade 5. Persuasive Essay Examples for Grade 6 Oct 15, · Obama's speech is a good example of Aristotle's rhetoric in practice. The object of Obama's speech is to win the presidential nomination. His speech is persuasive. He is appealing to the populace of South Carolina (and to that end, he praises them Oct 04, · Use this as a guide to choosing your topic, for example, maybe you want people to recycle more so you present a speech on the effect of microplastics in the ocean. Persuasive speech topics Lots of timely persuasive topics can be found using social media, the radio, TV and blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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