Regardless of whether or not you register copyright for your thesis or dissertation, UNC-Chapel Hill requires that you include a copyright notice following the title page. See Section I of this Guide and the sample copyright page for the format of this notice. Including this page helps to establish that you are the owner of the work Master Thesis Copyright Page, Electrical Engineering College Application Essay, Creative Writing Ma Ranking Uk, Grammar And Writing Help 3. Writing. Upload additional files for the writer (if needed). You can send messages to Support and your writer to track the progress of your order
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Choose an easy-to-read type. Use one typeface throughout; script or italic typefaces are not acceptable for the main text 10—12 points. Do not include a running header. Doctorate Title Page. Master's Title Page. utility menu one Rutgers, master thesis copyright page.
Enter the terms you wish to search for. Home Master thesis copyright page Graduation and Dissertation Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Style Guide. Preliminary Information Committee Composition Ph. Committee: A minimum of four members.
The chair must be a full member of the graduate faculty. One committee member, chosen in consultation with the program director, from outside the program. Master's Committee: A minimum of three members or associate members from the graduate faculty.
Before you begin If available and convenient, attend a dissertation workshop. Ask your advisor for the preferred style guide APA, MLA, etc. for the discipline. If there is no guide, consult the leading journal in the field for models to follow. The precise form of all matters of style should be consistent throughout and conform to generally accepted practice in the discipline.
Please consult with Barbara Sirman at or sirman grad. When you submit your ETD for Review Your thesis or dissertation will not be reviewed until you submit all your paperwork as per the checklist appropriate to you.
Your thesis or dissertation must be converted to a PDF file and then submitted online via Proquest. Please make sure your uploaded title page does not include signatures - it must be unsigned. Further instructions on how and where to submit are found in your checklist. General Specifications Typeface Choose an easy-to-read type. Page Format: Spacing Double-space preliminary pages, appendices, and all text.
Single-space all footnotes, endnotes, master thesis copyright page, references, and bibliographic material, master thesis copyright page. Quotations of four or more lines of prose should be single-spaced and indented five spaces from the left margin. Do not indent the right margin. Verse quotations of two or more lines should be single-spaced and centered, master thesis copyright page. Footnotes and endnotes should be single-spaced.
Margins Left margins must be 1. Top, right, and bottom margins must be 1 inch. Begin with the number ii on the first page of abstract no pagination on title page. Begin with the number one 1 on the first page of text and number consecutively. Copyright page: Include this page to inform readers that you acknowledge your legal rights and that you are master thesis copyright page copyright holder.
Must be included if you chose to register your copyright. For details, see: Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilitiesby Kenneth D.
Crews, Master thesis copyright page, Title page: Please refer to the appropriate sample page for specific formatting directions. Title should be a brief but meaningful and accurate description of the content of your research. Avoid oblique references; substitute words for formulae, symbols, superscripts, Greek letters, etc. Your full, legal name, as it appears on the registrar's records, must be on the title page.
Insert your Thesis advisor's name only - do not use any formal title Ph. Provide the appropriate number of lines needed for the approval signatures. Please note: The signed copy of this page gets submitted to along with the rest of your checklist to the sgs.
submissions grad. edu for review as per the checklist instructions, master thesis copyright page. The version you upload to ProQuest should not be signed. The title master thesis copyright page of the original copy must contain the original signatures of the research director and all committee members in BLACK INK. Center and master thesis copyright page all text and lines.
The month and year entered at the foot of the page must be October, January, or May —the date the degree is to be conferred, not the date of the defense. The title page is not numbered. Abstract: Please refer to the Abstract sample page for specific formatting directions. Provides a succinct summary of the dissertation, summarizing clearly the problem or problems examined, the methods employed, and the major findings.
Table of contents with page reference : Includes all preliminary and concluding sections. List of tables with titles and page references VII. List of illustrations with titles and page references Text I. Introduction II. Main body: Divided into chapters or sections, each master thesis copyright page a title and each beginning on a new page.
As needed, master thesis copyright page, chapters or sections are further divided into one or more series of subsections, each preceded by a subtitle, master thesis copyright page.
Graphs, figures, tables, charts, maps, and photographs must be suitably sharp and clear for reproduction on microfilm and must be suitable for binding.
References, Citations, and Bibliography I. Appendices II. References or Footnotes: Footnotes at the bottom of the page, endnotes at the ends of chapters or at the end of the manuscript. Number notes consecutively. When notes master thesis copyright page at the end of chapters, each chapter's notes should begin with the number one 1. Be consistent throughout and conform to generally accepted practice in the discipline.
Acknowledgment of Previous Publications It is a universal tenet in publishing that previously published work, or work pending publication elsewhere, be acknowledged. Academic fields vary in the degree to which they countenance reuse of material that has also appeared, or will appear, elsewhere. In those fields in which such practices are accepted, the following guidelines should be adhered to: Without exception, previous and pending publications must be acknowledged in the thesis or dissertation.
There are several ways in which this may be done. If a thesis or dissertation is composed in part or in full of whole chapters or independent articles or reports already published, the preface or acknowledgments page must indicate this and give citations to the earlier publications.
Even if the portions of previous publications are more partial, such acknowledgment in the front matter is recommended. It is presumed that the previously published material used in the thesis or dissertation represents the original work of the student, master thesis copyright page. In the event that that is not the case, it has no place in the thesis or dissertation. In those fields in which the student typically works alone on the research and writing of the thesis or dissertation, it is expected that the writing will be his or her own.
In those fields in which it is conventionally the case that work is done in close collaboration with others this may not be the case, but material written by others as part of a joint project should be referenced as such. In the case of coauthored material, comparable acknowledgment must be supplemented by a clear indication of the contribution of the author of the thesis or dissertation.
In all cases, the major substance of the thesis or dissertation must be the original work of the student submitting it. In the case of shorter passages written by others, they may be quoted with proper attribution and any necessary permissions.
Sample Pages Doctorate Title Page Master's Title Page Copyright Abstract.
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