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Print Send Add Share. Title Page Dedication Acknowledgments Table of Contents Abstract Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature search of Chapter 3. Research methodolog Chapter 4. Data analysis Chapter 5. Discussion of results Chapter 6. Improving TQM in field Chapter 7. Summary, conclusions Appendix A. Cover letter used in Appendix B. TQM survey of general Appendix C.
Appendix D. TQM focus group Appendix E. Top ten items mentioned List of references Biographical sketch. Material Information Title: The application of Total Quality Management in construction field operations Creator: Whiteman, Daniel E Publication Date: Language: English Physical Description: xi, leaves : ill. D Dissertations, Academic -- Building Construction -- UF Dissertations, Academic -- Design, Construction, and Planning -- UF Genre: bibliography marcgt theses marcgt non-fiction marcgt.
Notes Thesis: Thesis Ph. Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references leaves General Note: Printout. General Note: Vita. Statement of Responsibility: by Daniel E, dissertation report on total quality management. Record Information Source Institution: University of Florida Holding Location: University of Florida Rights Management: The University of Florida George A.
Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use 17 U.
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The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact the RDS coordinator ufdissertations uflib.
edu with any additional information they can provide. Resource Identifier: ALEPH OCLC. Whiteman This dissertation is dedicated to Diana, my wife of 32 years, and to my two children, Donald and Debra, the three of whom along with this writer represent the Phour D's of the Whiteman family. Without their support and encouragement over the past 10 years, this dissertation would not have been possible.
It was by his grace I was born in the United States, where individuals have the freedom to reach for whatever dreams they may have for their life. I wish to acknowledge each of the chairmen and directors of the University of Florida's M. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction. This writer has had to privilege to learn from, to be mentored by, and to be encouraged to complete this dissertation over the past 35 years by these gentlemen. These individuals include the following: Loys Johnson, who first gave this writer the opportunity to serve as one of his student assistants inand who regularly until his passing in encouraged me to one day apply the experience gained in the industry to preparing young people for a career in construction.
Don Halperin, who as my professor for concrete and industrialized building taught me that there is much to be learned from even the most tedious of class subjects. Brisbane Brown, who from the time he joined the faculty regularly kept contact with me and other members of industry to assure that the School of Building Construction was continually developing the course curriculum to meet the needs of the employers for whom the students were expected to produce results once they completed their studies.
Bill Eppes, who as a professor and interim director of the Rinker School was the most influential person in encouraging this writer to return to Gainesville, to complete my dissertation, and to devote my time to teaching and consulting.
Weilin Chang, who believed that the topic of Total Quality Management and its lack of success in the construction industry needed to be studied from the perspective of one who had spent years working in the field operations of an organization. Charles Kibert, who politely but firmly encouraged me to keep working on completion of this dissertation following my return to full-time employment in the construction industry.
In addition, dissertation report on total quality management, I wish to acknowledge the chair of my committee, R. Raymond Issa for his constant challenge to me not to give up, even when the pressure and time restraints of managing a construction firm seemed to make finalization of this dissertation an insurmountable task.
I also wish to recognize each member of my committee for assuring that my dissertation remained focused on the topic, and not drifting away from its intended purpose. Those members include Drs. Robert Cox, Ian Flood, Kwaku Tenah, and Diane Schaub. Finally, this dissertation would not have been completed were it not for the support and encouragement from Diana Whiteman, my wife of 32 years, and that of my children, Donald and Debra, who said that I would make a great teacher one day.
They are the best example Dissertation report on total quality management could have of whether that effort can be a success. TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKN OW LED GM EN TS IV ABSTRA CT x CHAPTERS 1 INTRODU CTION Utilization of TQM Principles Whiteman May Chairman: R. Raymond Issa Cochair: Robert F. Cox Major Department: College of Design, Construction and Planning Total Quality Management TQM is a term that has found widespread usage in most manufacturing and industrial operations in the United States.
However, its adoption within the construction industry has been slowed for many reasons. In many cases, firms that start enthusiastically to incorporate TQM soon cease their efforts believing it to be too difficult an undertaking. This study seeks to examine the reasons for the lack of implementation of TQM at the field operations level of a construction company. The primary objectives of the study include identifying the primary obstacles to TQM, establishing why these obstacles become hindrances to implementation, and finally reviewing possible solutions to overcome these roadblocks to success.
An initial review of the literature on TQM both throughout all industries and specifically within construction is used to comprehend the keys to TQM success. The literature search also identifies the hindrances found in similar research studies. A survey of leading General contractors throughout the country was undertaken to determine the current level of TQM usage, and to further develop the hindrances found or perceived to exist in implementation.
This study then utilized a focus group comprised of twelve mid-Size to large commercial general contractors known to have made concerted efforts in the development of the concept of total quality within their firms.
The purpose of this focus group was to review each of the areas identified as elements essential to successful implementation of TQM, and to develop concepts to encourage others to make TQM a cornerstone of their operations.
The primary keys to success in the implementation of TQM in the construction industry were found to include top management commitment and involvement, a customer focused organization, a participative management style, and the transfer of TQM to the field operations. To succeed in transferring TQM to the field, the most important obstacles to overcome were found to be too much paperwork, dissertation report on total quality management, the transient nature of the workforce, field employees regarding TQM as irrelevant, the system of awarding subcontracts based primarily upon low bids, and the lack of interest in TQM by the subcontracting industry.
The quest for quality is a journey during which the destination is never reached. It is a constant pursuit, dissertation report on total quality management, with there always being room for continuous improvement Chung, According to Hayesquality is a way of thinking, dissertation report on total quality management.
Quality cannot be inspected into a product; it has to be built in. Before quality can be built in, it has to be thought in. And, it must be recognized that the customer dissertation report on total quality management the ultimate source of the definition of quality, dissertation report on total quality management.
Quality, in turn, creates customer satisfaction that leads to an improved competitive position Reed et al. Quality systems entail having the organizational structure, dissertation report on total quality management, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management such that there is a guiding framework to ensure that every time a process is performed the same information, methods, skills and controls are used and practiced in a consistent manner Yong and Wilkinson, These systems require companies to document all their procedures, work instructions, specifications and methods for all functions and aspects of the organization, dissertation report on total quality management.
In this way employees are provided with a reference system to assess their work and work improvements. During the past decade or so, the total quality movement has seized virtually all sectors of the economy. It has become a ubiquitous organizational phenomenon in manufacturing, service, health care, education, and government Korkonda et al. The term Total Quality Management TQM has been used increasingly to refer to any and all quality improvement activities Dahlgaard, Consequently it has become difficult to explain precisely what TQM is.
It is accomplished through a set of practices that supports the TQM philosophy Dean and Bowden, These practices should function as an independent system Hackman and Wagerman, that combines with other organizational assets to generate competitive advantage. The concept of Total Quality Management TQM has been defined as a comprehensive company-wide effort dedicated to customer satisfaction through continuous improvement.
Total Quality Management is concerned with product quality, customer and human resource satisfaction and organizational quality performance Yusof and Dissertation report on total quality management, ; Zhang, With its primary focus being the involvement of everyone in the continuous improvement of quality, dissertation report on total quality management, it is believed that TQM will produce improved business results, greater customer orientation and satisfaction, employee involvement and fulfillment, teamworking, and better management of employees within the company Yong and Wilkinson, ; Shea and Howell, ; Zhang, Common critical dissertation report on total quality management that affect the implementation of TQM principles include management leadership, commitment and support; supplier quality management; employee relations and human resource management; and training and education Yong and Wilkinson, The general lack of financial, human and technical resources is a major problem that smaller enterprises face even if they want to implement TQM in their operations.
As the concept of TQM developed, quality was adapted as a management tool.
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