1. What is revealed about human nature (from Genesis )? Humans are totally different from animals and other creatures on this earth. Humans can think and feel all on their own. What I mean by that is let’s say male dog walks by female dog and she is right at the perfect time to get [ ] The average quality score at our professional custom essay writing service is out of The high satisfaction rate is set by our Quality Control Department, which checks all papers before submission. The final check includes: Compliance with initial order details. Plagiarism. Proper referencing The religions of the world also influence modern day politics and policy making in many nations. There are various instances when religions rally for certain political stands as well as some policy implementation in most modern societies
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January 27, Comments Off on What is culture? What are the six determinants or factors that influence culture? What is culture? A culture is a set value of norms among a certain group of people, and takes them together to constitute the way these people live. In different countries of the world, custom term papers overnight, culture is usually different.
However, there are various known determinants of culture, and social structure is one of them. The meaning of this is how the society associates among themselves as well as the way the people are organized.
A society may embrace either individual or group organization; in an individual organization, individual attributes are much more emphasized, custom term papers overnight, while in a group organization, the mostly held attributes are for the group.
It is therefore the responsibility of the organization to ensure observance of the organization as it pushes its agenda of expansion in the given society. Religion is the other determinant of culture in the society. Religion is the shared beliefs that a particular society observes. It is therefore of importance that the organization learns the religion in a given region so that it does not produce products that are not embraced in that society.
Education is another determinant of culture in a society, as having a society that has embraced formal education may give an organization a competitive edge through provision of the needed labor. Language is also another determinant of culture necessary as knowledge of it eases communication breakdown. Finally, the last but not the least determinants of culture are economic and political philosophies.
Knowledge of these philosophies custom term papers overnight to ensuring the tactics it is going to use to encompass the market. Why was Wal-Mart able to achieve success in Mexico? Achievement of success in Mexico was achieved by the fact that Wal-Mart was able to learn the culture of Mexicans and transform to it. Through such moves as transforming custom term papers overnight shopping habits, establishing fresh products and selling products in small quantities Wal-Mart was able to control market in Mexico.
In addition, the fact the Wal-Mart hired local managers to control their stalls who influenced the people to incorporate American merchandising culture made them increase their competitive edge in Mexican soil, custom term papers overnight. What cultural differences did Wal-Mart encounter in trying to expand into other areas of the global marketplace, specifically in South Korea and Germany? What impact did these cultural differences have on the effectiveness of the entry strategy and performance of Wal-Mart in these countries?
When Wal-Mart decide to increase their influence to both Germany and Korea, they faced so much competition on these countries as there was established culture where the consumers preferred high quality merchandise and were not attracted by the discounted strategy custom term papers overnight Wal-Mart. The strategy by Wal-Mart was therefore rendered obsolete by the culture background of these customers, custom term papers overnight, which in turn led custom term papers overnight Wal-Mart enduring high loses which made them pull out of the market, as competition was too high.
What type of actions did Wal-Mart take in order custom term papers overnight succeed in China? Establishment of a branch in China was a new strategy all together, Wal-Mart decide to adapt to the culture of merchandising practiced in China.
They also adopted the culture of providing freshly harvested food and when it came to animals like fish, they killed them in front of the customer, as it was the desire of Chinese people to have their products fresh. Does culture change? To what extent is it possible for a company like Wal-Mart to change the culture of the country in which it is doing business?
It is evident that culture of a certain country can be changed when it comes to business. Mexico is an example of a country that has changed its shopping habits due to the influence that Wal-Mart had on them. Though they used to shop in small quantities with time, they endorsed the American merchandised culture and today they account to be the most successful venture abroad for Wal-Mart.
Localizing the products is usually necessary among any organization. The reasoning behind this is for an organization to be competitive it has to transform to the culture of a certain country and if not it might be through out of business due the high competition that might be there. An example of this is portrayed in Germany and Korea where Wal-Mart faced so much competition until it had to pull out of the market due to not conforming to the new countries culture.
However, success is seen to be achieved the countries they transformed their countries to fit this cultures. What is ethnocentric behavior? Did Wal-Mart display ethnocentric behavior in its involvement in international markets? What is neededto overcome ethnocentric behavior?
Wal-Mart can be said to portray this behavior in its approach in investing in Korea and Germany as it aimed at these country to conform to American culture of merchandising. Having respected embraces diversity, which is an important tool, is achievement of success in business. Therefore, it is also necessary to accept the culture of the societies that an organization wishes to engage business and if necessary have culture reconciliation.
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