Nov 25, · Moreover, I am having a small bar right now while I write this essay. In Brazil chocolate is famous and cheap because the main product used to fabricate chocolate can be found in the Amazon Forest. In Brazil or in any other country, you can find it in many possible ways: as liquid, solid or paste, on its own or as a flavoring agent in other foods Free Chocolate Essays and Papers. Chocolate. Introduction Chocolate is a kind of sweet. Moreover, most people in the world like to eat chocolate. Chocolate grows on the continental chocolate. Chocolate: The History And History Of Chocolate. Chocolate: The Production Of Nov 28, · Chocolate Essay - Free download as Word Doc .doc), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. facts about chocolate. i did this for an essay for my class at school/5(3)
Chocolate Essay | PDF | Chocolate | Drink
Introduction Chocolate is a kind of sweet. Moreover, most people in the world like to eat chocolate. Chocolate grows on the continental chocolate evergreen tree known as "cocoa" which produces seeds which people use to make different types of cocoa, including chocolate. This topic is important because around the world chocolate essay attracts many people and they cannot resist it and there are some people who are addicted to it, but they do not know what the advantages and the disadvantages of chocolate are.
Chocolate made the journey from Mesoamerica to Spain, and then to other European countries, including England, chocolate essay. Not long after the sweetness was tasted in London, it traveled across the Atlantic to the North American colonies.
It is possible to have traveled there directly from Jamaica after the island had been seized from Spain. However, the most genuine explanation is that high Colonial chocolate essay carried it with them when they were assigned to their administrative posts in Virginia and Massachusetts.
Chocolate As you may know, chocolate has been around for many years, dating back to the Mayan and Aztec times Ackar, chocolate essay. This sweet treat has not always been sweet though, chocolate essay. It started out as just plain old cocoa beans that were very bitter, chocolate essay. Once these cocoa beans began to export and different countries started to receive them, those countries started to add spices and other items to enhance the flavor and make to the experience even more delicious, chocolate essay.
The Mesoamericans, or Mayans, first started using cocoa. Chocolate is one of the most widely consumed products in the world, with North America being its leading consumer and followed second by Europe.
All though most people do not know the unique origins and chocolate essay process required for producing the popular treat.
Cacao which is known as the cocoa bean, comes from the chocolate essay. Introduction 3 2, chocolate essay. What is chocolate? Origins of chocolate 3. Who and Where? From the plantations to the store 5. The real price of chocolate 8 7, chocolate essay.
Conclusion 9 References. benefits of chocolate, chocolate essay, but new research is starting to prove that the Olmecs, Aztecs, Mayans and Spaniards were not too far off. Now, the pods from the tree containing cocoa beans are collected, and the cocoa beans are taken out of the pod Healing Foods Pyramid Par.
The beans are then fermented, dried, roasted, then ground to make cocoa liquor Healing Foods Pyramid Par. The cocoa liquor is then combined with sugar, vanilla, and cocoa butter to make what is now known as chocolate Healing. Effects of Chocolate Chocolate is one of the most popular foods all around the world.
It has been said that over 2 billion pounds of chocolate is annually consumed in the United States and the Swiss consume over 22 pounds per person per year[1]. Despite its increasing consumption chocolate has had and still is having a lot of negative effects on the human health. Chocolate is gaining, chocolate essay. But are all kinds of chocolate healthy?
If you rejects lots of it, clearly not. The journey from the cacao tree to the chocolate bar is not complicated, but chocolate essay multiple steps, each of which involves careful attention to get the best possible finished product. Chocolate makers have perfected the chocolate essay of chocolate after many centuries to give us the delicious chocolate that so many people around the world enjoy today. Statistics on chocolate and various types of Canadian consumers has been provided through this venue of research.
Secondary research has aided us by providing insight on our target market chocolate essay consumers who buy chocolate and list potential factors of consideration for our further studies. We have configured a summary report of relevant.
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Free Chocolate Essays and Papers. Chocolate. Introduction Chocolate is a kind of sweet. Moreover, most people in the world like to eat chocolate. Chocolate grows on the continental chocolate. Chocolate: The History And History Of Chocolate. Chocolate: The Production Of Nov 25, · Moreover, I am having a small bar right now while I write this essay. In Brazil chocolate is famous and cheap because the main product used to fabricate chocolate can be found in the Amazon Forest. In Brazil or in any other country, you can find it in many possible ways: as liquid, solid or paste, on its own or as a flavoring agent in other foods Mar 17, · Chocolate Essays One often hears the popular views that the thing that one enjoys is often dangerous. Still, everyone looks love and comfort food, but is comfort foods healthy food choices?Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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